Friday, October 16, 2015

Ted Cruz Challenges Ben Carson Over Who's The Scariest Republican Crackpot

We've seen Dr. Ben "On Meds?" Carson described as the scariest crackpot in the Republican presidential clown car bus, but Sen. "Tailgunner Ted" Cruz (R-Calgary) is making a strong case for consideration.  In remarks to a crowd of millions thousands a hundred or so supporters in Kalona, Iowa, Cruz offered his hallucinogenic review of the recent Democratic debate (an event Cruz didn't watch, but let's not let facts get in the way of some dangerous rhetoric!):
It was more socialism, more pacifism, more weakness and less Constitution,” Cruz said to a crowd of Iowa supporters. “It was a recipe to destroy a country.” Cruz hadn’t actually seen the debate, as the Dallas Morning News noted, so to cover all the bases he shifted from describing the Democrats as feckless weaklings to authoritarian dictators-in-waiting. “We’re seeing our freedoms taken away every day and last night was an audition for who would wear the jackboot most vigorously,” he told reporters. “Last night was an audition for who would embrace government power for who would strip your and my individual liberties.”
Much as the country is (still) awaiting Sen. Joseph McCarthy's circa 1950 list of 54 Communists in the State Department, we await Cruz's list of "our freedoms taken away every day."  And "jackboots?"  Next we'll be hearing about the "black helicopters" about to strike.  Perhaps Cruz is "on meds" as well as Carson.

In our paranoid, heavily armed, "Sovereign Citizen," militia- infested society, this deeply disturbed man is playing with fire, and he's likely smart enough to know it.  Which makes this ultra- right demagogue all the more despicable. 

(Photo:  "Tailgunner Ted" Cruz with his physical and spiritual doppelganger the late Sen. Joseph McCarthy)

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