Thursday, October 1, 2015

Will Democrats Walk Away From Benghazi!!! Charade? (Updated)

Following the remarks by Speaker- in- waiting Rep. Kevin "I'm Not A Pod Person!" McCarthy (R-Dimwit) admitting what anyone with a pulse already knew, that the Benghazi!!! House committee was a political witch- hunt to bring down Hillary Clinton, Democrats are signaling they may no longer take part in Rep. Trey "Deuce" Gowdy's (R-Conehead) costly, long- running charade.  Rep. Adam Smith (D-WA) indicated as much on MSNBC:
“[T]he committee is a joke and I think Democrats ought to call it what it is and say we`re not going to participate in this anymore.

“And that’s my initial reaction – I`ll listen to my leadership on this and perhaps they will again have greater wisdom – but it just has been an embarrassment.”
It’s no idle threat. In light of Kevin McCarthy, the likely next Speaker of the House, admitting what Democrats have long feared, there’s a very real possibility that Dems on the panel may decide to simply walk away from a process that’s been corrupted. If the committee is now nothing more than a taxpayer-funded election tool, some Democrats no longer see the point in participating in a farce.

Indeed, Smith isn’t the only one with these concerns. Yesterday, other Democratic committee members, including Reps. Tammy Duckworth (D-Ill.) and Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), called on the Benghazi panel to disband, though they have not yet indicated whether they’re prepared to resign in protest.  (our emphasis)
Democrats should find a way to avoid being at the committee's hearings political theater, except for the ranking member (Rep. Elijah Cummings of Maryland, who can more than hold his own against the entire Republican dimbulb contingent all barking in unison), the exception being when Hillary Clinton is scheduled to testify on October 22.  At that point, Democrats should have all guns blazing at the thugs and nihilists trying to make political points (at taxpayer expense) over the deaths of Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans who were killed in the line of duty.

UPDATE:  Apparently, Dems aren't boycotting -- yet.  Here's Rep. Cummings' statement:
“As Rep. McCarthy’s statement made crystal clear this week, Republicans created the Benghazi Select Committee from the very beginning to wage a taxpayer-funded political campaign against Hillary Clinton’s bid for president.  Obviously, this is an unethical abuse of millions of taxpayer dollars and a crass assault on the memories of the four Americans who died, and I believe it should be halted immediately.  However, I am not naïve in thinking Republicans will cease their political attacks on Secretary Clinton, which is why I will be in that room defending the truth.”
(Photo:  Benghazi!!! House committee coneheaded inquisitor Rep. Trey "Deuce" Gowdy - photo not retouched.)

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