Thursday, October 1, 2015

Jeb! Bush Whitesplains: Li'l Danny Snyder's Team Name Isn't Offensive (To Me)!

Man born with a silver foot in his mouth, John Ellis "J.E.B.!" Bush, has determined there's nothing to take offense at with the name of the Washington football team:
Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush said the Washington Redskins should keep their controversial name despite complaints from some Native American groups and members of Congress that it is racist.
"I don’t find it offensive," Bush said in a taped interview to air on Friday on the Sirius XM radio show "The Arena." "Native American tribes generally don’t find it offensive.
Some Native American groups have said "Redskins" is a slur and are calling for the team to change the name.

"I don’t think (they) should change it," Bush said. "But again, I don’t think politicians ought to be having any say about that, to be honest with you."
But apparently it's not offensive when a politician takes a large bundle of money from that team's godawful owner.
Redskins owner Daniel Snyder, who has said the name expresses respect toward Native Americans and that he will not change it under any circumstances, gave $100,000 to Right to Rise, a Super PAC supporting Bush's candidacy, according to a filing with the Federal Election Commission.
Once again, the Churchillian rule of thumb applies to Jeb!:  we've established what he is, we're only haggling over the price.

(Photo:  Li'l Danny Snyder - life size - and the other wealthy white man)

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