Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Starbucks' "War On Christmas"? - A Latte Nonsense

The ever- aggrieved dimbulbs are at it again.  This time, it's Starbucks' choice of a plain red Christmas holiday season coffee cup, rather than one adorned by snowflakes, reindeer and other relevant symbols of... Jesus? Here's Petula Dvorak:
The devout went wild. One after another, folks declared on Facebook and other social media that they’ve had their last nonfat vanilla latte.
One pastor urged caffeinators who didn’t want to boycott Starbucks to tell baristas that their names are “Merry Christmas” when they order their drinks, forcing them to write it (probably “Mary Krysmus”) on their cups.  [snip]
This? This is what Christmas is all about?
I’m willing to concede that there is a war on Christmas. The real Christmas.
If Christmas is about honoring the birth of an impoverished child to a homeless couple who must eventually flee a tyrant to keep their baby safe, then, yes, there is a war on Christmas.
If Christmas is about peace, joy, generosity, thankfulness and goodwill among people, then yes, there is a war on Christmas.
But this Starbucks frenzy is a faux war on a faux Christmas.
In a country where 15 million children sometimes don’t have enough to eat, how could any real Christian conclude that the color of coffee cups deserves their outrage? Only in honor of the faux Christmas.
In a nation where 22 percent of our children live in poverty, why would any churchgoer care about a local shopping mall’s decision to go with “glacier” themed decorations this winter instead of red/green/Santa/trees? Only in honor of the faux Christmas.
Across the globe, children are walking hundreds of miles to escape unspeakable violence, and red cups are supposed to command our attention and advocacy? Only in honor of the faux Christmas.
Mocha ado over nothing?  A latte nonsense?  Sure, but to the "God and guns" culture warriors on the right, everything that can be perceived as an insult to their cherished beliefs will be (Starbucks also earned the wrath of gun fondlers when they asked patrons to not come strapped when they come in to order -  the horror!).

These are the same people who call themselves pro-life, as long as we're talking about prenatal life;  once you're out of the womb, you're on your own, Jack!

These are the same people who don't believe affordable health care is everyone's right.

These are the same people who want to deport 11 million men, women and children in this country because of the language they speak and the shade of their skin.

But, take the reindeer and snowflakes off the Starbucks cups?  It's war!

Jesus would weep.

UPDATE:  Given the faux nature of this "war," who better to volunteer for action than the faux candidate, the very devout Donald "Rump" Trump.

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