Wednesday, November 25, 2015

White Supremacist Right- Wingers Arrested In Minneapolis Shootings

Three genetically mutated white supremacists believed responsible for the shooting of 5 "Black Lives Matter" demonstrators in Minneapolis on Monday have been arrested:
Police arrested three suspects in connection with the Monday night shootings that wounded five protesters, and social media posts reveal a fascination with guns, video games, the Confederacy and right-wing militia groups.
Authorities arrested 23-year-old Allen “Lance” Scarsella following a brief SWAT standoff Tuesday afternoon in Bloomington, and two other suspects, 21-year-old Nathan Gustavsson and 26-year-old Daniel Macey, later turned themselves in.
It doesn't take long to go from getting beaten up at a Trump rally to this, does it?

Before the shootings, white supremacists went online to talk about harassing the BLM crowd, including BLM's white supporters, who they referred to this way:
“Best to act as much like a beta white cuck as much as you can.”
Some time in lockup will test how "alpha" these manly specimens are when they're not holding onto their "cuck" cock compensators. (h/t to Anonymous commenter)

(Image:  The Minneapolis white supremacist shooters (unconfirmed).)


  1. In the knuckle-dragging politico-porn community, "cuck" is short-hand for "cuckold". "Beta White Cuck" is thus a pejorative applied to Caucasians ("Cuckcasians ?") who rally for BLM.

    Cock-a-doodle-doo !
