Thursday, December 17, 2015

Today's Cartoon Twofer: The Republican Party's New Normal

(click on image to enlarge)

(Rob Rogers, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette)

(Tom Toles, once great Washington Post Bezos Bugle)

Credit where due, the once great Washington Post Bezos Bugle takes aim at the blister on humanity's ass, also known as the Republican Party:
THE REPUBLICAN Party, once small government’s champion, is now the party that breeds presidential contenders who would monitor schools and mosques, shut down parts of the Internet and exclude certain immigrants for no reason beyond the faith they profess. In the GOP debate Tuesday, those ideas — along with can-you-top-this rhetorical barrages aimed at illegal immigrants and Syrian refugees — received a generally polite reception, with constitutional, legal and practical questions contemptuously dismissed as “political correctness.”
True, the extremism that now passes for mainstream Republican thought, robbed of its shock value by the unfiltered ravings of Donald Trump, was punctured from time to time with expressions of dismay, incredulity and doubt.  [snip]
By and large, though, these ludicrous proposals went unremarked on by the Republican contestants, for whom bigotry, hatred and magical thinking are the new normal.
As true as ever, let's just say it:  The Republicans are the problem.  And they're a problem that's been around for longer than most will admit, and they're getting more dangerous all the time.

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