Thursday, December 10, 2015

Worst Year In Washington? Narrative Pundits Like Chris Cillizza

Hunter, at Daily Kos, turns the tables on the "narrative pundits" who come up with lists like "Worst Year in Washington," like, um, say Republican- wired Chris "Lizard" Cillizza.  Cillizza, who thinks covering politics like a horse race is the best use of his time, just dropped his "Worst Year" deuce on us:  it's J.E.B.! and (wait for it) Hillary Clinton (!).  Because... both sides?  In this excerpt, Hunter gives us the short version of Cillizza's opus, then gives us his take on who had the Worst Year in Washington: 
... Short version: She was too snippy in defending herself and in pointing out that her email policy was both accepted practice at the time and legal and that her predecessors had done the same thing for the same reasons. She came off as "angry and legalistic" in her observations that not a damn speck of it was wrong. And this enforced The Narrative, which is the longstanding, decades-old notion that Hillary Clinton is malevolent and hiding something, promoted exclusively by Republicans Who Say So and pundits who Write That Down, and so Hillary Clinton has had the Worst Year in Washington because Republicans keep attacking her and she faces, in the primary, a single formidable opponent[snip]
Who had the Worst Year in Washington? I would say any of us who were looking to the press to tell us who was honest, rather than just mulling over which lies were told with the most conviction. Any of us who were looking for a knowledgable free press to winnow through the scandals and tell us which were real and which were invented, or anyone reading a paper who wanted to know if this or that pronouncement from one of our national leaders was accurate, rather than immediately wandering off to a sentence about how some other fellow on the opposing sporting team didn't think highly of it.  (our emphasis)
Amen to all that.

Let this be Exhibit (infinity) of how our puerile corporate media has gone along with and, by their cowardice and abdication of journalistic ethics and responsibility, abetted the tectonic shift of the Republican Party farther and farther to the right and into the swamps of neo- fascism over the past 40- plus years.

Oh, and Chris Cillizza is a douchnozzle.

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