Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Dear J.E.B.!: You're Screwed. Regards, Mittens

Failed Presidential candidate and clueless one-percenter Willard "Mittens" Romney recently had some observations to share with fellow plutocrat and House of Bush scion John Ellis "J.E.B.!" Bush. Do tell, Mittens, what did you say to J.E.B.!?
“Jeb, to be very honest, I think it’s very hard for you to post up against Hillary Clinton and to separate yourself from the difficulty of the W. years and compare them with the Clinton years…..He [Jeb] said he was going to make his campaign about the future, not about the past…..I didn’t say anything at that point. But as he left, I said to myself, ‘Gosh, in my opinion, it’s not going to be as easy to make that separation as I think he gives the impression it will be.’ One of the few things I predicted that turned out to be true.” (emphasis added)
Yes, "the difficulty of the W. years" might be a problem when compared with the boom times and peace of the Clinton years:  under W, an economy in free-fall, millions of jobs lost, two wars on the national credit card, a major city in collapse after a hurricane due to W's incompetence, and so much more. That's "difficulty" alright.

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