Sunday, January 24, 2016

"How Change Happens"

Paul Krugman has a much-discussed op- ed directed toward Democrats and progressives addressing "how change happens."  Here's a snippet, but please read the entire piece:
The point is that while idealism is fine and essential — you have to dream of a better world — it’s not a virtue unless it goes along with hardheaded realism about the means that might achieve your ends. That’s true even when, like F.D.R., you ride a political tidal wave into office. It’s even more true for a modern Democrat, who will be lucky if his or her party controls even one house of Congress at any point this decade.

Sorry, but there’s nothing noble about seeing your values defeated because you preferred happy dreams to hard thinking about means and ends. Don’t let idealism veer into destructive self-indulgence.
Your turn, Iowa.  Then New Hampshire.

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