Yesterday, the community of Burns, Oregon gathered in a building at the county fairgrounds to discuss the small band of delusional sagebrush freeloaders, armed with their manhood compensators and fueled by Ding Dongs and Cheetos, who are occupying a building in the nearby Malheur Federal Wildlife Refuge. To make a long story short, the community isn't happy that these dimwitted jamokes are disrupting life there:
“You don’t get to come here and tell us how we get to live our lives,” said Sheriff Dave Ward of Harney County, who led the meeting, and the crowd erupted into applause and cheers. “I’m here to ask those folks to go home and let us go back to our lives in Harney County,” he added, again to huge applause. (emphasis added)In addition, as the tweet below suggests, one of the rich ironies here is that the land in "dispute"may actually belong to the Burns Paiute Indian Tribe by virtue of an 1868 Federal treaty with the tribe that was never ratified by the Senate. Frustrated Burns Paiute tribal councilman Jarvis Kennedy expressed the tribe's opposition to the Vanilla ISIS occupiers:
“Harney County residents don’t need some clown to come in here and stand up for us. We survived without them before and we’ll survive without them when they’re gone. So they should get the hell out of here. Sorry, but we didn’t ask them here. We don’t want them here.”That would make the occupiers double moochers: off of the Feds, and off of the tribe.
b-b-b-b-b-b but they have jeebus on their side.
ReplyDeleteOf course! We forgot!