Saturday, January 30, 2016

New York Times Endorses Hillary Clinton

Someone pass the smelling salts to MoDo!
For the past painful year, the Republican presidential contenders have been bombarding Americans with empty propaganda slogans and competing, bizarrely, to present themselves as the least experienced person for the most important elected job in the world. Democratic primary voters, on the other hand, after a substantive debate over real issues, have the chance to nominate one of the most broadly and deeply qualified presidential candidates in modern history.

Hillary Clinton would be the first woman nominated by a major party. She served as a senator from a major state (New York) and as secretary of state — not to mention her experience on the national stage as first lady with her brilliant and flawed husband, President Bill Clinton. The Times editorial board has endorsed her three times for federal office — twice for Senate and once in the 2008 Democratic presidential primary — and is doing so again with confidence and enthusiasm.
Again, in the interest of fair play, here's the closer of The Nation's endorsement of Sen. Bernie Sanders (via the once great Washington Post Bezos Bugle):
Clinton’s closing ad before Iowa makes her central argument clear: Trust her. She’s experienced and committed. She’ll keep Republicans from taking away the progress we’ve made. Sanders’s ad makes his argument clear: Trust yourself. Come together, take back the country and make this nation better. The first appeals to the head; the latter to the heart. But even the most hard-headed pragmatist might think the latter has as good a chance at getting elected and a better chance of forcing change than the former.
Iowa caucuses are on Monday, February 1;  New Hampshire's primary is on February 9.  Then we'll see how accurate the polls and how effective the campaigns have been.  Don't expect this to be over soon.

BONUS:  Wonkette reminds us how many times the Times "news" staff has tried to screw over Clinton just in the past 6 months or so: 
Oh, and congratulations on picking up the big New York Times endorsement! Maybe they feel bad about all the times they screwed up the email story over the summer?
No cognitive dissonance here folks, move along, move along!

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