Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Quote Of The Day - Trumpism

... Both Trump and a broader phenomenon—call it Trumpism—are stronger and deeper than most veteran political analysts realized or were willing to acknowledge. They are neither immediate nor transitory phenomena. The disdain for the status quo, for authority figures of both parties and other institutions, and the anger at inexorable changes in society, are real, enduring, and especially deep on the Republican side. Ideology forms a significant part of that anger, but it transcends much of the predictable divide between liberals conservatives. And even if neither Trump nor Cruz—who also channels much of the Trumpist message and approach—win a presidential nomination, it will persist, and contend for primacy in the GOP, well beyond 2016. -- Norman Ornstein, in an interesting look at who he considers the people and institutions that led to the rise of neo- fascist fartbag Donald "Rump" Trump and the broader phenomenon of "Trumpism" (practiced by his mini- imitators in the Republican nomination race).

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