Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Chinless Dildo Quote of the Day

The great Samantha Bee, one of Jon Stewart's ensemble on "The Daily Show," has her own weekly show, "Full Frontal," every Monday on TBS at 10:30 p.m. Eastern, and it's a supremely funny must watch. Last night, she tore into the Republican argument that (black Democratic) Presidents only have 3 years in their second term in office, and therefore can't do anything in the fourth year that they're duty bound to do under the Constitution (which the Rethugs hold so very dear). That's especially the case when it comes to nominating a replacement for right-wing Justice Antonin Scalia.

This part will last in our memories for years to come, especially the new sobriquet for chin-challenged Sen. Mitch McConnell:
“What better way to honor America’s greatest champion of original intent than by wiping your obstructionist ass on the very document he holds so dear....Let’s just have a Supreme Court vacancy for a year because some chinless dildo wants a justice who’ll use his gavel to plug up your abortion hole.”