Monday, February 15, 2016

Going Nuts

Speaking at a gathering outside of Charleston, SC this afternoon, Republican front runner and neo-fascist blowhard Donald "Rump" Trump had this simple assessment about rival Texas Sen. and Joseph McCarthy doppelgänger "Tailgunner Ted" Cruz:
"I think he's an unstable person. He's nuts."
He also called the Texas extremist "a liar" repeatedly, but that's a given. As bonuses, he repeated the fact that the Iraq disaster and 9-11 happened on Bush dynasty scion John Ellis "J.E.B.!" Bush's clueless brother's watch -- you know, the guy that "kept us safe" --  and warned the Rethuglican National Committee about stacking the audiences in future debates in favor of his opponents as they did in South Carolina.  Rump then insinuated that further RNC bias against him might force him to make a third party run.  Chaos! Bwahahaha!

Let the bloodletting continue and continue!


  1. Haaaahaah his guts he thinks he's nuts!

    There should be a campaign to send various kinds of nut crackers to their rallies.

    They could wave them in the air while shouting ..we are crackers for eerraahh nut crackers for trum*** or Cru****

    Whatever .... nuts or crackers ...both terms fit.

  2. Heheheh, well done GP. Nuts, crackers and nut crackers. Definitely a theme.

  3. Unfortunately an insult to snacks of all types... crackers, nuts, Ding Dongs... P.E.C.

  4. Yes, P.E.C.! Good shot. If so much wasn't at stake, we could Ho Ho about it.

  5. Oh, groan, but a good one, Hackwhacker! P.E.C.
