Tuesday, February 16, 2016

J.E.B.!'s Latest Desperate Idiocy (UPDATED)

The House of Bush's contribution to the Republican clown car, John Ellis "J.E.B.!" Bush, is polling near the bottom of the pile in South Carolina, so he's pulling out all the stops to attract the mouthbreathers that have gravitated to neo-fascist poo-flinger Donald "Rump" Trump and creepy demagogue Sen. "Tailgunner Ted" Cruz.  Maybe he's trying to butch up his image with this awful Twitter message:

Which prompted a flood of comments ridiculing and scorning J.E.B.!, for example:

Of course, it could be a message that he's about to put his candidacy out of its misery.

BONUS:  The New York Daily News' front cover says it all:

BONUS II:  Note the inscription on the barrel.