Following the
Anyway, here's a sampling of some of the latest deep thinking and high minded discourse from these top Republicans (our emphasis throughout):
"Thank God he has really large ears, the biggest ears I've ever seen," Trump added, "because they were protecting him."Rump was responding to "light, little nothing" Rubio saying this about his debate appearance:
He also said of Rubio: "I have never seen any human being sweat like this guy."
Trump continued to rail against Rubio at length in his speech. Trump, who vowed Friday to "open up" libel laws to make it easier for public figures to sue the media for besmirching their records, expanded the idea to politicians like Rubio.
"I listen to this light, little nothing say, 'Trump's a con man,'" he said of Rubio. "Isn't it a disgrace? I mean, seriously. It really is — maybe we'll make the libel laws also so we can sue lying politicians."
"First, he had this little makeup thing, applying makeup around his mustache, because he had one of those sweat mustaches," Rubio said.
Rubio also went after Trump at campaign stops on Saturday, wondering why "a guy with the worst spray tan in America" was attacking him for putting on makeup at debates.
The senator continued mocking Trump's appearance.
"Trump likes to sue people," Rubio said. "He should sue whoever did that to his face."A day earlier Roboto said Rump "wet his pants" during the "debate" sh*t show.
"Oh, yeah! Well so's your momma!" "I'm rubber, you're glue; your words bounce off me and stick to you!" Fight behind the auditorium after school!
Again, imagine in your worst nightmare any of these chumps sitting in the Oval Office, once occupied by the likes of Abraham Lincoln and Franklin D. Roosevelt. Meanwhile, the civilized world can only watch and wonder what the hell happened to America.
Oh, and entertaining as this is to a point, these developmentally delayed thugs should leave the insults to bloggers like us -- we're not running for President of the United States, after all.
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