Monday, March 14, 2016

Republicans "Had It Coming"

Nobel laureate Paul Krugman's column in today's NY Times lays everything out in the clearest terms about why Trumpism isn't some unpredictable phenomenon that just arose from the Republican / New Confederate / Stupid / Shooter Party's far right base.  What underlies Trumpism has been there all along, just being kept on "simmer" between elections by the Rethug establishment so that come election time, the heat could be turned up.  Now, the Party's plutocratic elites are being eaten by the pitchfork-wielding mob that they've screwed over the decades. Here's his summary:
"Let’s dispel with this fiction that the Trump phenomenon represents some kind of unpredictable intrusion into the normal course of Republican politics. On the contrary, the G.O.P. has spent decades encouraging and exploiting the very rage that is now carrying Mr. Trump to the nomination. That rage was bound to spin out of the establishment’s control sooner or later.

Donald Trump is not an accident. His party had it coming."
The column should be a must read for all who claimed to be shocked at what has emerged from today's Republican Party.

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