Monday, March 14, 2016

Turmoil At "Trump's Personal Pravda" (UPDATED)

Michelle Fields, the "reporter" for right- wing, pro- Donald "Rump" Trump propaganda outlet Breitbart "News" who was (allegedly!) roughed up by the campaign manager for Rump, Corey Lewandowski, has resigned as has our wanker buddy, Little Ben Shapiro, the rag's "editor at large" (given Ben's size, that had to be the best punning job title evah!).  In case you hadn't followed the story, here's a little (sorry Ben) background:
Breitbart has been riven by internal strife in recent days after Trump’s campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski, allegedly grabbed Fields and yanked her away from Trump as she was attempting to ask him a question after a press conference in Florida. The Trump campaign denied the incident, despite considerable evidence to the contrary.

Breitbart published a story casting doubt on Fields’ account, appearing to side with the Trump campaign over their own reporter. Joel Pollak, a senior editor-at-large at the organization, ordered staffers to stop defending Fields. One source with knowledge of the situation said some staffers who publicly defended Fields had been threatened with firing.
Here's Fields' full statement:
“Today I informed the management at Breitbart News of my immediate resignation.  I do not believe Breitbart News has adequately stood by me during the events of the past week and because of that I believe it is now best for us to part ways.” 
Now Little Ben's statement, delivered in his trademark breathless style:
“Andrew’s [founder Andrew "Not So" Breitbart] life mission has been betrayed,” Shapiro wrote. “Indeed, Breitbart News, under the chairmanship of Steve Bannon, has put a stake through the heart of Andrew’s legacy. In my opinion, Steve Bannon is a bully, and has sold out Andrew’s mission in order to back another bully, Donald Trump; he has shaped the company into Trump’s personal Pravda, to the extent that he abandoned and undercut his own reporter, Breitbart News’ Michelle Fields, in order to protect Trump’s bully campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski, who allegedly assaulted Michelle.” 
Shapiro's full statement is at the link above.

We would be sympathetic to these two had they not come late to their realization that the organization that's been paying their salaries is a rotten shell dedicated to disseminating the most vile lies and conspiracy theories, not to mention its "close ties" with that neo- fascist buffoon Rump (reports are Rump has provided "financial consideration" to the Breitbart operation).  Hey, you lay down with dogs, you get up with fleas.

UPDATEHere's another take on the meltdown at "Trump's Personal Pravda."

UPDATE IIFor giggles.

UPDATE III:  And then there's this:

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