Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Will Schlafly Be Shafted?

In another example of the serious fissures within the right wing as a result of neo-fascist vulgarian Donald "Rump" Trump's candidacy and the frustration of low-information wingnuts at the Rethuglican party's "establishment," the desiccated goblin leading the movement to keep women in the kitchen, Phyllis Schlafly, may soon be booted from the wingnut welfare organization she founded over 40 years ago for endorsing Rump. There are reports that members of the Eagle Forum's board supporting "Tailgunner Ted" Cruz were displeased with Schlafly throwing her support hose to Rump, reports that several board members deny. However, Schlafly herself believes that a coup is in imminent. Interestingly, her own daughter is one of the board members lined up with the Tailgunner.

The Eagle Forum has long been advocating for a subservient role for women, and arose in opposition to the equal rights for women movement in the 1970s. Schlafly, along with the late hate preacher Jerry Falwell, is one of the founders of the social conservative, Talibangelist movement that is one of the legs of the Rethuglican/New Confederate/Stupid/Shooter's Party poop stool. Nothing could be sweeter than for the current crack up of the right to result in Schlafly's departure from the scene.

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