Tuesday, May 24, 2016

"Flush Rush" Boycott Crippling Limbaugh

The grand panjandrum of hate radio, porcine Oxycontin-popping Rush "Limpballs" Limbaugh, is seeing his star fall, after years of perching atop the hate radio poo pile.  As Media Matters reports, the advertiser boycott of his nasty radio program, beginning with his misogynistic rant against Georgetown University law student Sandra Fluke in 2012, has apparently taken its toll. Media Matters' "Flush Rush" campaign to convince advertisers to drop Limpballs' program has been a success: falling advertising revenue in turn hits stations that carry Limpballs' filth, and his radio program has been dropped in some major markets (New York, Los Angeles, and Boston are some).  National brand advertisers won't touch him, and to make matters worse for Limpballs, he's in the last few months of his obscene $400 million contract.

Limpballs still holds sway over countless ill-informed misfits ("ditto heads") who tune into his program in order to validate their own significance and to reinforce their prejudices. But radio is a business, and increasingly for radio stations, Limpballs is bad business.

(photo: Not bringing home the bacon)

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