Tuesday, May 24, 2016

"The Ultimate Gendered Election"

Talking Points Memo's Josh Marshall has an excellent, must-read column on neo-fascist misogynist Donald "Rump" Trump's strategy of attacking Hillary Clinton in the most crude and bullying manner.  It's not a tactic or strategy of his; it's who he is and has been his entire adult life. Marshall's column concludes:
"This is the ultimate gendered election. As Frank Foer explained in March, denigrating attacks on women are the one consistent theme throughout Trump's entire public life. They're not tactical or opportunistic. They're part of his essence. What makes the general election contest more volatile and febrile is that not only is Trump basically the embodiment of 'dominance politics' and assertive violence. But Clinton, for all the toll the last two years has taken on her public popularity, is still seen as strong and a strong leader by a majority of the public.....You're missing the point in trying to make out the logic of Trump's attacks on Clinton. The attacks are the logic. He is trying to beat her by dominating her in the public sphere, brutalizing her, demonstrating that he can hurt her with impunity." (emphasis added)
This is also a feature of classic authoritarian fascism, and we don't use those words lightly. With Rump it's bravado, boasting, narcissism, bullying, violence at rallies, and nativist xenophobia. Themes of "strength" over "weakness," "them and us," with the undercurrent of sexual aggression and domination provide an ominous echo of monsters from the past. We're all in a world of hurt if he ever gets near the White House.

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