Saturday, May 7, 2016

The Coming Rehab of Rump By The Media

We've noted the media's lame attempts (here, here, and here) to polish the turd that is neo-fascist thug Donald "Rump" Trump to make him seem "Presidential," only to be foiled by the Trumpenfuhrer's vulgar, ignorant mouth usually within hours of the media's reinvention of him. In the meantime, they stalk Hillary Clinton, reporting on every smear and phony scandal that's been fed to them by the Wingnut Wurlitzer.

Writing at, David Roberts looks at the process that's going to be followed by the broken political press in building up Rump while taking Clinton down a few pegs, and why the media's been incentivized to ignore the glaring problems with Rump's candidacy: his racism/xenophobia, his childish temperament, his narcissism, and his disregard for the truth. You'll be hearing more "both sides" and "on one hand / on the other hand" pablum from the Beltway media to ensure that the corporations they represent don't suffer losses in profits by appearing "biased." They'll be in the "Emperor's New Clothes" mode when it relates to covering Rump, wait and see.

(photo: Associated Press.  Very Presidential)

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