Wednesday, June 8, 2016

How Screwed Are Republicans In California, Our Largest State?

This screwed:
In a year when control of the Senate hangs in the balance—a year in which both parties are competing feverishly for every advantage—California’s seat is up for grabs. Senator Barbara Boxer, a Democrat who was first elected to the Senate in 1992, is retiring. 
But instead of a contest between a Democrat and a Republican in the state that once saw some of the most intensely partisan and politically engaged Senate races in the country, the fight to fill Boxer’s seat will be between two Democrats.
Under California’s nonpartisan “blanket primary” law, which was enacted by the voters in 2010, Tuesday’s Senate primary ballot featured all the candidates on one list. Democrats, Republicans, and several dozen third-party and independent candidates competed against one another in a race where only the top two finishers could earn a place on the November ballot.  (our emphasis)
Let that sink in.  Even though Democrats split their votes, Republicans couldn't field a candidate who could finish in the top two... in the State that gave us St. Ronnie of Hollywood (btw, thanks again). Wow.

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