Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Nevada Unloads Two Crack Pots -- Er, Crack Shots

Did you know there was a Republican primary in Nevada yesterday? Neither did we!  Well the results are in and we're Sad! to report that two of Nevada's most over- ripe distaff numbnuts have been unloaded by the voters (did you see what we did there?).  Here's Nevada political guru Jon Ralston's fare- thee- well to Michele "Freaky" Fiore and Sharron "Obtuse"Angle (no link):
As if to put an exclamation point on a night in which so many fringe types with no agendas and only nastiness lost, two women who scarred the Nevada political landscape are departing. Even though two national publications saw fit to profile her in the waning days, Assemblywoman Michele Fiore’s short, sad political career ended as she ran third in a southern congressional primary. She will never win another office in Nevada; a reality show seems a better bet. Or perhaps, a medical program showing how cancer is a fungus or a program teaching 5-year-olds to fire rifles. Also gone and soon forgotten: Sharron Angle, who tried to resurrect herself after her U.S. Senate embarrassment in 2010 but was destroyed by Heck. It wasn’t close, and Angle once again left behind a wonderful legacy as she sent out a piece that accidentally directed people to a pornography site. She also ran TV ads with bunnies and tried to compare Heck to Nancy Pelosi and Reid. That, as always, was the wrong angle.
"Freaky" Fiore, who thought cop- killing was justifiable, and "Obtuse" Angle, of "Second Amendment remedies" infamy:  two small-bore Republicans headed back into the sagebrush where they belong with the other desert rats.

(Photos:  Unloaded: top, Sharron Angle;  bottom, Michele Fiore)


  1. Thanks for posting this!!
    You/fans have to go to Wonkette to get some insight & laughs re these Thelma/Louise

  2. Absolutely! Here's where we got the Ralston quote:

    Thanks for commenting.
