Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Surprise! "Little Marco" Rubio's Running For Senate

Let's dispel with this fiction that Republican gusano Sen. Marco "Glug Glug" Rubio (Liar- FL) isn't an ambitious lightweight in high heels. Glug Glug has announced that, contrary to his pledge upon running for the Republican presidential nomination, he's going to run for re- election after all.  The proximate reasons:  the Senate needs him after the Orlando massacre (because of his anti- LGBT record or his vote against assault weapon restrictions?); also, must save Senate seat for Republicans!

Glug Glug, who lost the Florida Republican primary by 20 points to neo- fascist Donald "Rump" Trump (a.k.a., Cheeto Jesus), has a 49% disapproval rating in the State, perhaps a reflection of his worst voting record in the Senate and professed hatred of his job as a Senator.

His likely Democratic rival, Rep. Patrick Murphy, issued this statement in response to Glug Glug's flip flop:
“Marco Rubio abandoned his constituents, and now he’s treating them like a consolation prize. Unlike Marco Rubio, I love working hard every single day for the people of Florida,” said Rep. Murphy. “From missing the most votes of any Florida Senator in nearly 50 years, to seeking to ban abortion even in cases of rape or incest, to repeatedly voting against closing the terrorist gun loophole, Rubio is proving he is only out for himself. 
“Florida is ready for another Senator like Bob Graham and Bill Nelson, who is committed to doing this job and who will work with people to fight for progressive values.”
As Bob Schooley previews, the negative ads are writing themselves:

And, it's a good bet this will still come true:

(Image:  musical accompaniment here.)

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