Wednesday, June 22, 2016

"Who Voted For This Guy?" -- An In-Depth On Trump Supporters

(click on image to enlarge)

(David Horsey, Los Angeles Times, via Crooks and Liars)

Benjy Sarlin has a long, well- researched article on who the "new" voters were that enabled neo- fascist con artist Donald "Rump" Trump to take over the Republican/ New Confederate/ Stupid/ Shooter's Party. (Spoiler alert: "Today, a description of who supports Trump is simple enough: Republicans.")

But, once again, we're struck by the incoherence of the "typical" Rump voter's world view, and their gullibility regarding their hero.  Here's one quote from the Sarlin piece that had us scratching our heads:
“I’m tired of people promising the moon and not giving us anything,” Jeff Marshaus, 53, of Shreve, Ohio, said. “I’m a lifelong Republican and I got tired of the same old, same old.”
As far as Republicans "promising the moon and not giving us anything," this fellow clearly believes the cons Rump has been touting regarding rounding up millions of undocumented aliens, building a yooge wall on the Mexican border, profiling Muslim Americans and stopping ISIS cold in its tracks. In other words, he's willing to believe a guy promising not only the moon, but the entire solar system out to the Kuiper belt.  This is the Trump University demographic.

Sic transit gloria, America.

BONUS:  Here's another fine example of the Rump supporter.

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