Monday, June 13, 2016

Tests Of Leadership (UPDATED)

In the aftermath of the horror in Orlando over the weekend, there were responses from officials ranging from President Obama's remarks...

... to those of Republican neo- fascist narcissist slimeball Donald "Rump" Trump, who followed up this humblebragging tweet on Sunday...

... with these comments on "Fux and Friends":
"We're led by a man who is a very -- look, we're led by a man that either is, is not tough, not smart, or he's got something else in mind," Trump said. "And the something else in mind, you know, people can't believe it. People cannot -- they cannot believe that President Obama is acting the ways he acts and can't even mention the words radical islamic terrorism. There's something going on. It's inconceivable."
Implying the President of the United States -- the person responsible for eliminating Osama bin Laden and the Taliban leadership -- is in league with terrorists?  (Is he a secret Muslim? Why won't he say the magic words "radical Islamic terrorism!?")  This after his self- congratulatory tweet on being smart (!) for foreseeing what nobody else in the world could foresee:  another terrorist attack! This on a day when the country was mourning the loss of dozens of innocent lives.  All in a day's work for this thing we call Rump, and another in a long series of examples of why he is completely unfit for the office of President!

As others have noted, it's fair to ask the so-called "leaders" of the Republican/ New Confederate/ Stupid/ Shooter's Party if they agree with Rump's assessment of the President's loyalty to his country. How about it Paul "Lyin'" Ryan?  What do you say, Mitch "Missy" McConnell?

UPDATE:  Who was the prescient one? (h/t Balloon Juice)

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