Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Confirmed: DNC Hacker Was Russian Agent

Donald "Rump" Trump IS "The Siberian Candidate:"
The hacker who claims to have stolen emails from the Democratic National Committee and provided them to WikiLeaks is actually an agent of the Russian government and part of an orchestrated attempt to influence U.S. media coverage surrounding the presidential election, a security research group concluded on Tuesday.  [snip]
That finding matches the political motive that U.S. officials told The Daily Beast they have seen in Russia’s hacking of the DNC. The FBI said on Monday that it was investigating the breach, which a growing number within the Obama administration believe was designed to embarrass Democrats, exacerbate tensions between Hillary Clinton and her former rival Bernie Sanders—as well as his voters—and ultimately to give a boost to Republican nominee Donald Trump.  (our emphasis)
So far, the facile media has focused largely on the contents of the e-mail leaks and not the bigger picture (surprise!).  Plus, booing!  And disarray!

If you haven't already done so, please take a look at this from yesterday, and the related Franklin Foer article we noted earlier today, and why this breach is actually worse than Watergate.  Unfortunately, we don't see any Woodward- Bernsteins in today's media.

BONUS:  We mustn't forget the contributions of douchebag rapist (allegedly!) Julian Assange in all of this.

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