Tuesday, July 5, 2016

"Extremely Careless" Media Quote Of The Day

"The snide, name-calling mindset of the overboard coverage [of the e-mail story] fit perfectly with a two-decade press pattern where the Clintons are relentlessly convicted in the media, often thanks to misleading GOP allegations and leaks. But then the so-called criminal scandals turn out to be Republican and Fox News creations, apologies are rarely offered up, and there’s virtually no self-reflection while the press just moves on to the next trumped-up drama.  No politicians in modern history have had to fight their way through as many phony allegations of criminality as the Clintons. Yet the press, incapable or unwilling to change, keeps playing the same Groundhog Day role." (emphasis added) -- Eric Boehlert of Media Matters, delving into the breathless, very often fact-free coverage by the Beltway corporate media of one manufactured Clinton "scandal" after another.

Talk about "extremely careless," the term the FBI Director used to describe the handling of the e-mails: the media needs to answer for their extremely careless jumping the gun and pushing out false information for months. Flipping back and forth among CNN, MSNBC, etc., and reading the reaction of Republican-wired pundits in mainstream papers and publications, one also notes the clear disappointment among our media worthies with the FBI's decision not to recommend prosecution of Secretary Clinton. But there's always the phrase "extremely careless" to chew on for the next four months, right boys and girls? Just as long as you do it in an extremely careless way.

BONUS:  As if on cue, Clinton- hating, Republican- wired hack Chris "Lizard" Cillizza of the once great Washington Post Bezos Bugle tells us this is terrible news for Hillary!

BONUS II:  Mrs. Alan Greenspan echoes the Beltway media's favored narrative.  Sad!

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