Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Sen. McCain's Latest Unhinged Slander

It's no secret that unhinged, attention- starved Sen. John "Walnuts" McCain (R- Bombbombbomb Iran) despises President Obama. (The man has never recovered from getting whipped in the 2008 election.) Back in June, he blamed President Obama for the Orlando massacre (weakly walking it back later).  A constant, nasty critic of the President's thankless mission to clean up the mess in the Middle East that he and Dumbya were so eager to make, Walnuts routinely and bombastically ignores internationalist Republican Sen. Arthur Vandenberg's long forgotten dictum that "politics stops at the water's edge."

In his latest splenetic outburst, Walnuts is babbling to foreign media, blaming the United States and its President for the resurgence of the Taliban:
McCain, apparently interviewed in his office this week ahead of a July 4 trip to Pakistan, was asked by interviewer Moeed Pirzada whether the current president of Afghanistan, Ashraf Ghani, is too technocratic and isolated to deal with the resurgent Taliban and other threats in his country. 
“Do you think Taliban are the only issue or is something else needed in Afghanistan?” Pirzada asked.  [snip]

“I don’t blame Ashraf Ghani. I blame the United States of America for not consolidating the gains that we made,” McCain said. “And this president has this idea for the last eight years that if we pull out of conflicts, those conflicts end.  [snip]
“We see abject failure of American policy and no strategy. I don’t blame Pakistan for that. I don’t blame Ashraf Ghani for that. I blame this president of the United States, who is a failed leader.
Properly, Walnuts' Democratic challenger, Rep. Ann Kirkpatrick issued a statement condemning the intemperate remarks:
“Arizonans should be shocked and appalled that McCain would go to the foreign press and ‘blame the United States of America’ for Taliban gains in Afghanistan. These reckless, insulting comments have become commonplace for John McCain because he’s changed after 33 years in Washington,” Kirkpatrick said in a statement. “McCain is all out of ‘straight talk’ because he cares more about trying to shift blame and saving his political career than focusing our efforts on keeping Americans safe.”
President Obama is campaigning with Hillary Clinton today in North Carolina.  He now needs to go to Arizona and campaign with Ann Kirkpatrick and push back against this one- note Johnny, who forever forfeited the right to challenge anyone else's judgment when he tried to put Sarah "Winky" Palin a heartbeat from the Presidency.  Getting this vindictive crank out of the Senate would be one of the best, most welcome, most long- overdue outcomes of this year's elections.  (If you want to help Rep. Kirkpatrick, please go to her website)

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