Sunday, July 10, 2016

Photos of the Day: Baton Rouge

(click to enlarge)

Riot gear and long rifles, really? One place to start in de-escalating the tension in the aftermath of the shootings in Baton Rouge, Minnesota, and Dallas would be toning down the paramilitary profile of the police. They certainly need to protect themselves, but dressing like menacing Robocops while facing an emotional crowd of people won't build trust, and could actually encourage the hottest heads among them to bring their own weapons to future demonstrations. A sad irony is that the Dallas Police are among the best in the U.S. regarding community relations, dealing with demonstrations, and minimizing police-involved shootings. The others could take a page from their book, especially Baton Rouge.

BONUS:  Esquire's Charles Pierce has a similar take.

(photos: Jonathan Bachman, Reuters. Both photos taken in Baton Rouge)

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