Thursday, July 14, 2016

Quote Of The Day: The Low Bar for Rump

"As for the mainstream media, it is a very short distance from 'That’s Trump going ballistic again' to 'That’s just Trump being Trump.' But when it comes to drawing political conclusions, it’s all the distance in the world. Similarly, that low bar will inevitably lead to high praise whenever Trump jumps it. A Trump debate in which he is even intelligible or slightly muted would undoubtedly unleash a media torrent of approval: Aha! He is more presidential than we thought. We already are getting a preview of this on the Republican Party side, where any hint of sanity by Trump is embraced in a bear hug. It is part of the process of normalizing him. (emphasis added) -- Neal Gabler of Moyers & Company, discussing how the low expectations for neo-fascist ignoramus Donald "Rump" Trump's behavior and rhetoric have benefited him as far as media coverage is concerned.  The whole article is worth a read.

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