Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Aetna's Obamacare Extortion

Jonathan Cohn has the big story today on Aetna's decision to scale back its participation in Obamacare.  It seems these bastards were trying to (what's the word?)... extort the Administration to approve its merger with Humana:
The big health care news this week came from Aetna, which announced on Monday it was dramatically scaling back participation in the Affordable Care Act ― thereby reducing insurer competition and forcing customers scattered across 11 states to find different sources of coverage next year. 
Aetna officials said the pullout was necessary because of Obamacare’s problems ― specifically, deep losses the insurer was incurring in the law’s health insurance exchanges. 
But the move also was directly related to a Department of Justice decision to block the insurer’s potentially lucrative merger with Humana, according to a letter from Aetna’s CEO obtained by The Huffington Post. [snip] 
... [J]ust last month, in a letter to the Department of Justice, Aetna CEO Mark Bertolini said the two issues were closely linked. In fact, he made a clear threat: If President Barack Obama’s administration refused to allow the merger to proceed, he wrote, Aetna would be in worse financial position and would have to withdraw from most of its Obamacare markets, and quite likely all of them.  (our emphasis)
If you believe Aetna was losing money, Richard Mayhew at Balloon Juice has something you should take a look at.

No, this would appear to be extortion, and the bastards had the brass to put it in writing.  Now, that's something the Department of Justice should add to the Aetna/ Humana merger file for referral to the criminal division.


  1. Ah, yes. Only in 'merika where you can grab sick people by the balls/vagina & tell us to FUCK OFF!! Making 'merica Great Again! If it wasn't for Greed, where would WE be???

  2. Why is it the biggest sociopaths seem to concentrate in fields that affect human health & welfare (health insurance & pharma)?
