Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Disturbing Trump Quote Of The Day

If she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do folks.  Although the Second Amendment people, maybe there is.”  -- Neo- fascist demagogue Donald "Rump" Trump at a rally today in North Carolina, giving a wink and a nod to any unhinged gun- humping goober out there who thinks Hillary Clinton shouldn't be permitted to appoint Supreme Court judges.  This is a new low (so far -- it's only Tuesday), and goes beyond Rump's and his campaign's corrosive nonsense about "rigging" the election.  This is Rump channeling his mentor, Russian despot Vladimir Putin, a thug who thinks nothing of having his political opponents murdered (allegedly!).  This is so far beyond the pale, even for a lunatic like Rump.

Unstable.  Unworthy.  Unfit.  Un- American.

BONUS:  Charles P. Pierce asks,
Is that The Line? 
You know, The Line, the one that He, Trump has to cross before the entire Republican Party, not to mention a good portion of the human race, finds him too revolting for their delicate stomachs? What say you, Paul Ryan? Is that the line? John McCain? Mitch McConnell? All you clowns in the tricorns and the Watering The Tree Of Liberty tank tops? What say you all? Do you stand by this? 
How about the elite political press? Is this enough to push you over the line to admitting every day in your coverage that this is not a normal election because the Republican Party has nominated a public sociopath for President of the United States?
We await, though not holding our breath ...

BONUS II:   It didn't take long for the idea to penetrate one Stormtrumper's empty head:


  1. There is no line. There is no bottom. The depravity of conservatives knows no depths. So he'll not lose any support from this, in fact conservatives support murdering their political opponents.

  2. Judging from the responses so far, you're right.
