Monday, August 1, 2016

How Might Trump Deal With Losing The Election? Can You Say "Putsch?"

With new polls out showing Hillary Clinton opening up a significant lead, neo- fascist sociopathic narcissist Donald "Rump" Trump is laying the groundwork for challenging the election results:
"I'm afraid the election's gonna be rigged, I have to be honest," Trump told the crowd [in Columbus, OH, today].
While Trump has often questioned the integrity of the primary contests in both parties, his newest remarks seemed to begin laying groundwork for him to contest the Nov. 8 election results. 
It was a line of attack that longtime Trump adviser Roger Stone pushed on a podcast with Breitbart's Milo Yiannopoulos that was posted online Friday. Stone suggested voter fraud is "widespread" and said if Hillary Clinton wins a state like Florida after polls show Trump in the lead, the election would be "illegitimate." 
"If there’s voter fraud, this election will be illegitimate, the election of the winner will be illegitimate, we will have a constitutional crisis, widespread civil disobedience, and the government will no longer be the government," Stone said. He also promised a "bloodbath" if the Democrats attempt to "steal" the election.  (our emphasis)
(That's the same vile pig shit Roger Stone who's just unleashed a vicious, malignant smear on the Gold Star Khan family, trying to link them to Islamic extremists.)

So, because by definition Rump can't be a "loser," any results that have him losing would be illegitimate. Almost certainly, Rump will not go away after November 8, but rather (to salve his wounded ego) could inflame his Stormtrumpers into feeling the election was stolen from him them. Stone already has the scenario laid out for us:  "constitutional crisis," "widespread civil disobedience," "bloodbath." That sounds like a putsch to us, does it to you?

It should really come as no surprise that a sociopath as evil as Rump would find a way to continue to seek the power that he craves and the attention his megalomania feeds on.  He isn't capable of going away quietly.  The prospect of narcissist Rump rallying his gun- humping, white nationalist supporters to try to overturn the results of a democratic election is chilling, but certainly not out of the realm of possibility.  He's cut from the same cloth as Vladimir Putin and other despots, though he's more the useful idiot than the master manipulator.

In short, we've got to expect and prepare for this turmoil to continue after November and to push back hard against any attempts to de- legitimatize the election results.

Trump's a danger to the Republic now and will be for a long time to come, unfortunately.


  1. " Trump's a danger to the Republic now and will be for a long time to come, unfortunately."

    That is for damn sure obviously. This situation borders on the bizarre.

  2. Bizarre, unhinged, unprecedented, deeply disturbing. We won't get much of a breath even if Clinton wins.
