Friday, August 12, 2016

Intervention Or Institutionalization?

With each passing day, Rethuglican nominee and neo-fascist sociopath Donald "Rump" Trump is exhibiting more signs of a seriously disordered personality, his erratic behavior, and a tendency to self-destruct. After his call for "Second Amendment people" to deal in their way (wink wink) with a President Hillary Clinton and her selections to the Court, his latest foray into lunacy is his statement that President Obama and Hillary Clinton are the "co-founders of ISIS." As we noted yesterday, even supportive wingnuts are wondering if Rump is off the rails on that one.  His statement that he was just engaging in "sarcasm" about the ISIS founder charge is part of a pattern for Rump: smear/lie, blame media/Hillary, say everyone misheard or can't take a "joke."

Apparently, the empty suits at the Rethuglican National Committee aren't comfy with Rump's daily meltdowns, and are having what one suit anonymously called a "come to Jesus meeting" with Rump's campaign today.  The reporting is indicating that 70 Rethuglican politicians and party leaders have asked the RNC to halt funding for Rump's campaign and to divert that money to Senate and House races -- a clear sign that they think the S.S. Rump garbage scow* is heading for The Deep, probably (and justifiably) with them in tow.
* or as the inimitable Driftglass says, the "Republican Edmund Fitzgerald".

(image: Cover of August 22 issue of TIME)

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