Wednesday, August 10, 2016

No Bottom To Ryan's Cowardice

The ever-slippery Rethuglican House Speaker Paul "Lyin'" Ryan is deflecting yesterday's assassination talk from neo-fascist demagogue Donald "Rump" Trump aimed at Hillary Clinton.  When asked by reporters after his primary win over a Rump cultist, he dishonestly told reporters that he'd only heard about the threat, and not heard it directly. Then Lyin' said, "It sounds like a joke gone bad. I hope he clears it up very quickly." A "joke gone bad?" Here's what the ghost writer of Rump's "The Art of the Deal" -- who knows Rump extremely well -- tweeted:

Ryan knows this, too, as do all of the despicable Rethugs lined up in support of Rump putting their rotting party over their country. As Gen. Michael Hayden, former head of the National Security Agency under George Bush, said in an interview on CNN regarding Rump's statement:
"Well, let me say if someone else said that outside of the hall, he'd be in the back of a police wagon now, with the Secret Service questioning him....I used to tell my seniors at the CIA, you get to a certain point in this business, you’re not just responsible for what you say, you are responsible for what people hear." (emphasis)
As if on cue:

Of course, that's a standard response for something they'll brush off without investigating, but it's undoubtedly the first time a Secret Service protectee is being looked at for threatening comments about another Secret Service protectee.

We know more than ever that Lyin' Ryan has no floor to his cowardice and no ceiling to his opportunism. That's no joke.


  1. Justification, obfuscation, distraction, and noise will be the response from Republicans.

  2. Except for those hiding under their desks trying to remain as quiet as possible to avoid detection....Thanks, Gene.
