Saturday, August 27, 2016

Rump's Anti-Semitic Campaign CEO

Court documents reveal that Steven "Bubble Boy" Bannon, the alt-right propagandist and campaign CEO for neo-fascist toddler Donald "Rump" Trump, was accused by his ex-wife of uttering anti-Semitic slurs when he resisted sending his daughters to the Archer School for Girls in California.  In her June 2007 statement to the court in their child custody battle, Bannon's ex-wife said:
"The biggest problem he had with Archer is the number of Jews that attend. He said that he doesn't like the way they raise their kids to be 'whiny brats' and that he didn't want the girls going to school with Jews."
Her statement went on to say that while looking at yet another school, Bannon asked the school's director why there were "so many Chanukah books in the library." This is the same court document where the ex recounted an episode of physical abuse by Bannon in 1996 at their home in Santa Monica, which we noted earlier.

Bannon's alt-right hate site Breitbart News has a history of anti-Semitism and draws to it's comment threads some of the ugliest neo-Nazi and white nationalist commenters. The integration of that sinister operation's leader into the Rump campaign -- and therefore into the Rethuglican Party -- is a "fire bell in the night" for us to realize the threat the alt-right poses not just to minorities, but to our democracy.

(photo: J. Liebman for Bloomberg Businessweek)


  1. I'm sure Bannon's spouse abuse was justified - he probably had a bad hair (transplant) day.

  2. maxk1947 -- Or she may have thrown his Nazi memorabilia out with the trash.....

  3. "- he probably had a bad hair (transplant) day." Just picked up on the Trump/ Ivana reference! Nice!
