Monday, September 19, 2016

Answering Priebus' Threat

On Sunday's Face the Nation, Rethuglican National Committee chairstain and weasel / human hybrid Reince "Prepuce" Priebus threatened Rethug office holders to either get behind neo-fascist demagogue Donald "Rump" Trump or face Party opposition to their future campaigns. Ohio Gov. John Kasich was one name that came up as a non-supporter of Rump, and Kasich's advisor John Weaver was quick to respond to the amoral Prepuce, saying in part:
"The idea of a greater purpose beyond oneself may be alien to political party bosses like Reince Priebus, but it is at the center of everything Governor Kasich does. He will not be bullied by a Kenosha political operative that is unable to stand up for core principles or beliefs. Thankfully, there are still leaders in this country who put principles before politics.” (emphasis added)
Weaver went on to say that Kasich was campaigning for down-ballot Rethugs in order to prevent "a potential national wipeout" on Prepuce's watch.

We'll have an extra bucket of popcorn.

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