Monday, September 19, 2016

Tweets Of The Day - "Mr. Nerves Of Steel"

Thanks to good law enforcement work (plus a little incompetence on the part of the perp and some larcenous New Yorkers), it appears the person who set the explosive devices in New Jersey and New York City recently was apprehended this morning within hours of his identity being made known.

Naturally, neo- fascist know- nothing baboon Donald "Rump" Trump has been bellowing and patting himself on the back ever since the devices went off, now saying that he "called it before the news."  (Precipitous!  Also Presidential!) The shameless fool is using his dog whistle, in "predicting" more terrorist attacks, to stoke fear and egg on those who might do such a thing in the hopes of getting people to vote for his authoritarian bluster. That's why he's ISIS/ ISIL's biggest recruiter.

Meanwhile, remember this is that quivering tower of "strength":

As the President said, in this election, "Hope is on the ballot; fear is on the ballot."

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