Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Congratulations, Media! You've Done Your Job Well!

From the latest CNN poll:
Trump has his largest edge of the campaign as the more honest and trustworthy of the two major candidates (50% say he is more honest and trustworthy vs. just 35% choosing Clinton) and as the stronger leader, 50% to 42%.   (our emphasis)
The poll also shows the race in a statistical dead heat among "likely voters."  (Translation:  they're expecting Millennials, suburban swing voters and minorities to stay away and non- college educated whites to swarm the polls on Election Day.)  It's always good to keep in mind that it's best to look at wider poll averages, which still show Hillary Clinton with a steady lead over the all- time Olympic gold medalist in Pathological Lying, neo- fascist existential threat Donald "Rump" Trump, but these results should still be of grave concern to all of us.

But not, apparently, to the Trump fluffers in the once great Washington Post Bezos Bugle newsroom, who ran yet another "this raises questions" piece of reportage innuendo about Bill Clinton on today's front page.  Nothing there, of course, but Must. Bring. Clinton. Down. (No link, but here's a long analysis of the piece by Tom Levenson.)

Sic transit gloria, America.

BONUS:  Here's more proof of the media's amoral infantilism when it comes to continually "raising questions" about Clinton, this time her health (h/t Crooks & Liars):

Jay Rosen has the perfect response:

Also, quite ironically, given his paper's cult of amorphous Hillary- hating, the New York effing Times media critic pipes up:

Tell us about it.