Thursday, September 15, 2016

Ivanka Trump Lies About Hillary Clinton's Paid Leave And Childcare Plans (UPDATED)

Well, we knew with the odious male spawn of neo- fascist pathological liar Donald "Rump" Trump that the nuts didn't fall far from the rotting tree.  It appears now that Ivanka is her father's daughter, too:
Appearing on Fox News on Tuesday evening, Ivanka claimed that Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton doesn’t have any plans when it comes to childcare and paid leave. “There’s no policy on Hillary Clinton’s website pertaining to any of these issues, childcare, eldercare, or maternity leave or paternity leave for that matter,” she said. “There’s no policy that’s been articulated on how to solve the problem.”
Hillary Clinton has three different pages on her website that describe her plans for paid family leave and childcare. 
To lie shamelessly is in the Rump family genes. But, of all the strange attack lines to go with, this has to be one of the most bizarre.  Hillary Clinton has been a well-known advocate for these issues for decades;  she detailed her paid leave proposals last January;  she rolled out her proposals on childcare in May.  It's only slightly less absurd to have your daughter try to make this particular case simply because Rump's such a known misogynist and phony that anything that came directly out of his mouth about these issues would be totally risible.

What's happening here is becoming a trademark of the Rump "campaign" as with past Republican campaigns (recall the right- wingers in 2004, going after John Kerry's Vietnam combat record, to draw attention away from Dumbya's largely shirking a stateside hitch with the National Guard).  It's the "I'm rubber, you're glue" gambit.  You attack Clinton on issues and on terms she's strongest and your candidate is weakest.  (Notice how after the Clinton campaign and others started to hit Rump as "unfit" and  "temperamentally unsuited" he started using those lines to attack Clinton?) If you're Rump, you hope that in our "he said - she said" media world that the stark differences get softened and the truth gets obscured.

Also, as with Rump's "outreach" to African Americans, these are typically stunts intended only to assuage (female) Republican voters who want a fig leaf of respectability in order to cast their vote for the candidate of their tribe.

Here, in one easy to read chart, is a comparison of the Rump and Clinton proposals on paid leave, just to clarify the differences in terms of coverage, time covered, funding sources and universality:

(click on image to enlarge)

(Credit:  @SteveRattner)

You can go here, here and here to check out Clinton's proposals on paid leave and childcare on her web site.

UPDATE:  Ivanka also doesn't like to be challenged with mean questions from some women's magazine mean lady!  Sad!


  1. They know their supporters. They have no problem lying about something that is so easy to prove that they are wrong about because they know that their supporters will never go to the Clinton website. The take Trump statements (father and daughter) as gospel.
