Sunday, September 4, 2016

Quote Of The Day - Trump, Ailes And The Media

Charles P. Pierce on one of the many unsavory advisers to neo- fascist Donald "Rump" Trump, the abhorrent Roger "Jabba the Nut" Ailes:
There were Mongol chieftains who treated women better than this tawdry tub of goo. It is here where we should remind ourselves that this unseemly blob of encrusted hormones is a trusted adviser to the current Republican presidential nominee. Of course, Huma Abedin, e-mails, Anthony Weiner, private server, optics, narrative.
The latest outstanding piece of real journalism by The New Yorker's Gabriel Sherman on Ailes' depravity goes largely missing in the media mosh pit.  Ailes is a man thing in Rump's inner circle, providing media and debate advice, but the easily- connectable dots aren't being connected. Why? Well, it doesn't contribute to the media's primal urge to tear down Hillary Clinton and get the horserace their bottom line demands.

In this or any other week where Rump's ongoing sleazy evasiveness in releasing his tax returns and medical records, his hiring of the lowest bottom-feeder in the political sewer (David Bossie), his stonewalling on his wife's immigration status, his "model" agency's violations of immigration laws, his pay- for- play scandals, as well as the backdrop of his racist alt- right and Russian oligarch support, any of which could be the focus of honest investigative journalism and headlining stories, instead we get ... well, Charlie already said it, and at this point, we're just beating a dead horse (giving us an excuse to use that gif).

BONUS:  Right --
BONUS II:  Be sure to read Josh Marshall on the political reporters hacks at the effing New York Times continuing efforts to bring down the Clintons.

BONUS III:  Paul Waldman wants you to guess which of two -- a scandal and a non-scandal -- will get the most sustained media play. (Updated here.)

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