Sunday, September 18, 2016

Rump's Skeevy Cop Supporters

The Guardian has a detailed profile of some of neo-fascist sociopath Donald "Rump" Trump's top cop endorsers, who are all poster boys for bad behavior. Some we're familiar with due to their obnoxious presence on cable TV:  Maricopa Co. Sheriff Joe "Pink Undies" Arpaio, and Milwaukee Co. Sheriff David "Cluck" Clarke. Pink Undies Arpaio is facing Federal criminal contempt charges for violating a court order to cease racial profiling of Latinos, while, as the linked article notes, Cluck Clarke was involved in a cover up conspiracy over an accident involving one of his deputies two years ago, resulting in combined State and Federal judgements of $250,000 and $95,000 against the Sheriff's department.

There are others, too, apparently unwilling to change their community policing policies that have resulted in deep mistrust by minority residents of the police, and believing that Rump will back their repressive approaches.  Unsurprisingly, the Republican-dominated Fraternal Order of Police endorsed Rump last week, claiming cluelessly that he'll "make America safe again" presumably by introducing even more riot police with military gear into minority neighborhoods to crack heads.

Rump clearly has dangerous authoritarian impulses, and admires others with the same impulses. This rogues' gallery of reactionary cops proves that the admiration is mutual.

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