Thursday, September 8, 2016

The Art Of The Steal: Trump's "Policy Shop" Folds After Trump Stiffs The Staff

Whoa!  Neo- fascist con artist Donald "Rump" Trump had a "policy shop!?" All along we thought he got his excellent ideas from neo- Nazi, nutball Alex Jones' Infowars or directly out of his ass. Who knew?

Yes, we did say "had," because it looks like he's pulled another grift, this time on some loyal, albeit gullible Stormtrumpers:
The Trump campaign built a large policy shop in Washington that has now largely melted away because of neglect, mismanagement and promises of pay that were never honored. Many of the team’s former members say the campaign leadership never took the Washington office seriously and let it wither away after squeezing it dry.  [snip] 
Since April, advisers never named in campaign press releases have been working in an Alexandria-based office, writing policy memos, organizing briefings, managing surrogates and placing op-eds. They put in long hours before and during the Republican National Convention to help the campaign look like a professional operation. 
But in August, shortly after the convention, most of the policy shop’s most active staffers quit. Although they signed non-disclosure agreements, several of them told me on background that the Trump policy effort has been a mess from start to finish. 
“It’s a complete disaster,” one disgruntled former adviser told me. “They use and abuse people. The policy office fell apart in August when the promised checks weren’t delivered.”  (our emphasis)
Of course, Rump is well known for stiffing people -- contractors, charities, donors, even little cheerleaders -- whenever he's not suing people, that is.  That he's demonstrated he's a sociopathic fraud isn't breaking news.  That's why it's a continuing amazement to us that he continues to enjoy the loyalty of ... anyone. But, there it is, and there he is at 40 percent or thereabouts in the polls.

(You've also just seen yet another glimmer of what a Trump Administration would look like.  Sad!)

It all suggests we may be closer to H.L. Menken's prediction ("On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron") than we care to believe.

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