Tuesday, October 11, 2016

After The "Venomous Charlatan" There Won't Be A "Curative Experience"

Setting aside all that he has done in his 40- plus year to get us to this point, we offer George Effing Will on the Republicans' "venomous charlatan:"
Today, however, Trump should stay atop the ticket, for four reasons. First, he will give the nation the pleasure of seeing him join the one cohort, of the many cohorts he disdains, that he most despises — “losers.” Second, by continuing to campaign in the spirit of St. Louis, he can remind the nation of the useful axiom that there is no such thing as rock bottom. Third, by persevering through Nov. 8 he can simplify the GOP’s quadrennial exercise of writing its post-campaign autopsy, which this year can be published Nov. 9 in one sentence: “Perhaps it is imprudent to nominate a venomous charlatan.” Fourth, Trump is the GOP’s chemotherapy, a nauseating but, if carried through to completion, perhaps a curative experience.
Likewise, Michael "Mushroom Cloud" Gerson, former speechwriter for Dumbya and obtuse moralist, has a few questions for those in his party not enthralled by neo- fascist banana Republican Donald "Rump" Trump:
To many people outside the talk-radio hothouse, I can attest, Trump’s debate performance was appalling, contemptible, shameful, squalid, vile. Do we really want a president who views the rule of law as a means to imprison his opposition? A president who dismisses talk of sexual assault on the theory that boys will be boys? A president who urges a foreign power to hack his opponent, then excuses that power when it is caught? A president who accuses his opponent of killing American soldiers based on a position he actually took himself? 
As one might expect, though, Gerson pins the blame on Republicans "devaluing the calling of public service."  Really.  How about those 40- plus years of enemies lists, Southern strategy, welfare queens, Willie Horton, Whitewater, yellow cake uranium, Swift boating, birtherism, 47 percent takers, Citizens United, Voting Rights Act gutting, Benghazi!!, etc., ad nauseam.

Since they can't bear the truth, that "curative experience" Will talks about?  Not gonna happen.

BONUS:  Driftglass sticks it to Parson Gerson for his endless dissembling.

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