Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Everyday Rethug Misogyny: Quote of the Day

"If Donald Trump is going down, he seems determined to do so in a blaze of revelation, in which he forever ties his own outsize loutishness to the everyday misogyny of members of the party that nominated him. That may be the one public service he performs in this election." -- from a compelling new article by Rebecca Traister in New York Magazine. A must read.

The ugly phenomenon of neo-fascist misogynist Donald "Rump" Trump is merely an extension, even a child of the Rethuglican'/ New Confederate / Stupid / Groper's Party and it's decades-long campaign to make women second class citizens, to accept lower pay for equal work, to turn decisions about their reproductive rights over to male politicians, and submitting to degrading transvaginal probes.

Traister also examines Rump's desperate and squalid use of Bill Clinton's accusers as human shields for his own scandalous bragging about sexual assaults he's committed against women, while at the same time attempting to humiliate and degrade Secretary Clinton by inviting them to last Sunday's debate.

Rethugs, you created this monster.