Sunday, October 16, 2016

Lock Him Up?

Unhinged poster boy for anger management Milwaukee County Sheriff David "Cluck" Clarke is known for saying some off-the-wall inflammatory things about African-Americans and lying frequently. He's the favorite of the right-wing because he aligns with their policies, particularly when it comes to community policing, fighting gun safety laws, and social/economic issues. Rethugs showcase him because he's African-American and runs for office as a Democrat (in heavily Democratic Milwaukee), while supporting birther founder and demagogue Donald "Rump" Trump. He even spoke at the Rethuglican National Convention this summer and is a favorite guest of Fux News and other right-wing media. He also supported the lawless takeover by the Bundy Klan of Oregon's Malheur nature preserve earlier this year.

Just yesterday, Cluck tweeted out what could be considered a seditious call for an uprising against the government:

Several responders on Twitter said they'd contacted the FBI to report his incitement to riot. That's not enough. The citizens of Milwaukee should make every effort to recall Cluck, who has two more miserable years in his term. He's inciting riot and is unworthy to be called a law enforcement official.

BONUS:  Here's more background on just what this crime fighter's responsibilities are.

(top photo: Cluck wearing his cowboy hat, desperately seeking approval from white conservatives)

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