(Mike Luckovich, Atlanta Journal-Constitution)
BONUS: Our Silver Spring Bureau Chief Brian (TCIITM) has alerted us to this hilarious "commentary" by "Melania Trump," courtesy of The Onion. Here's a taste of "Mrs. Trump's" defense of her husband in light of the sexual assault allegations leveled against him:
I know people will say that I’m deluding myself. That I can’t read the writing on the wall. That the only way I can be psychologically comfortable continuing to live alongside such a heartless, dangerous, malignant individual is by blindly convincing myself that he could never have committed the crimes that he’s been accused of and, indeed, bragged about on tape. All I can say is that when I see him in the morning before he goes to work and at night when he returns home, Donald is simply a human horror show who has never once given a moment of thought to the hopes, dreams, struggles, or circumstances of anyone else in existence. That’s my Donald.
So before you rush to judgment, please, forget what the media is telling you for a moment, and try to see my husband the way I do: as a repugnant, repulsive cancer of a person who makes our world a crueler, more hateful place by his very existence.
That’s the real Donald Trump.Very funny and very true.
BONUS II: SNL did a music video send-up of Trump's issues with female family and staff members, inspired by Beyonce's "Sorry." Wonderful.
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