The onslaught of travesties in his ongoing sh*tshow are almost more than one can absorb in any 24- hour span, but here are just some of the recent ones associated with neo- fascist Paladin for Everyman Donald "Rump" Trump. As always, there's much more to read at the links!
Incredibly, the Trump campaign argues that because he knows how to game the tax system he should be trusted to reform it. There is no evidence that he would improve tax policy, and plenty of evidence that he would confer even more tax advantages on himself. [snip]
Every new revelation about Mr. Trump’s business career shows that he’s built his millionaire’s lifestyle on debt, tax avoidance and other people’s money. From bankrupt casinos to a so-called university, he milked them for all he could and left workers, students and taxpayers holding the bag. (our emphasis)-- The invaluable Kurt Eichenwald has more on the working- class hero's business dealings:
Plenty of blue-collar workers believe that, as president, Donald Trump would be ready to fight off U.S. trade adversaries and reinvigorate the country’s manufacturing industries through his commitment to the Rust Belt. What they likely don’t know is that Trump has been stiffing American steel workers on his own construction projects for years, choosing to deprive untold millions of dollars from four key electoral swing states and instead directing it to China—the country whose trade practices have helped decimate the once-powerful industrial center of the United States. (our emphasis)-- The Trump Foundation is ordered to shut down:
The New York attorney general’s office has ordered the Trump Foundation to immediately stop fundraising in the state, saying it isn’t registered to do so.
James Sheehan, head of the attorney general’s Charities Bureau, wrote in a letter dated Friday that the failure to stop immediately and answer demands for all delinquent financial reports within 15 days “shall be deemed a continuing fraud upon the people of the state of New York.”
Democratic Attorney General Eric Schneiderman has been investigating Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump’s foundation following Washington Post reports that foundation spending personally benefited the candidate. The newspaper, citing tax records, also reported that the charity has been funded entirely from outside donations since 2008, when Trump made his last contribution to it. (our emphasis)-- Finally, you have the kind of knuckle- draggers Rump's racist campaign has encouraged and emboldened to come out from the sewers and from under the rocks into the light (hmmm, let's call them the "Deplorables"). Two examples:
The small town of Aurora, Indiana is in an uproar after a local man entered a float in the annual Farmers Fair Parade depicting Hillary Clinton sitting in an electric chair with rival Donald Trump about to pull the switch.
According the creator of the float, which also featured a grim reaper and an Easter Island moai head in blackface labeled “Obama,” he entered it in an effort to get laughs, reports WCPO.And,
Jane Wood Allen, a Chestatee Elementary School educator in Gainesville, Georgia, was fired on Monday after a racist post she made about Michelle Obama went viral. [snip]
Allen’s caption read, “This poor Gorilla. How is she going to function in the real world, by not having all of her luxurious vacations paid for anymore? She needs to focus on getting a total make-over (especially the hair), instead of planning vacations! She is a disgrace to America!”Thirty- four days until the election. Let's all do our part to see this awful excuse for a human being, whose presence encourages such hatefulness, never sets foot in the Oval Office.
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